About Me 😀

About Me 😀

Hi Friends!

I am Rajat. I am a part-time blogger, consultant and content creator enhancing personal productivity while fostering a sense of civic responsibility

With diverse professional experience, including roles as a door-to-door salesperson and Country Director for a $4.5 billion Japanese multinational corporation, I have gained valuable insights and best practices that I am eager to share with those just beginning their careers. Through this newsletter, I aim to provide guidance and inspiration to help navigate the challenges of starting a professional journey. I am excited to share my experiences and knowledge!

You can also view my LinkedIn page by clicking here.

Projects that I am Working On: 🧰

  1. Career-related: check out my Substack where I discuss tips & tricks for nailing that first job and climbing the ladder to success. You can sign up here
  2. Hornnotokay.com: a movement that I started to make roads in India noise-free and safer again
  3. RSVP apps: an app that I have developed for the native Mail client on Mac OS X that helps you set reminders, add notes in the reminders and respond to alerts
  4. Voluntary mentor at Freedom Employability Academy (FEA provides free, intensive English training to prepare students for professional jobs)

Article Links (other publications)

  1. Jagoinvestor: My Money Story
  1. Farewell 2021 student address @VVCE, Mysore
  2. JSS Academia-Industry MOU Conclave

My favourite personal productivity software.